fragile facade book 1

Book Title: Fragile Facade (The Blind Barriers Trilogy #1)

Author: Sophie Davis

Publisher: Dabber & Baehr (Kindle)

Number of pages: 272 pages

Genre: mystery, young adult, romance

Release date: December 26th 2017

Favorite Quotes:

asher and Blake

2 blakes

fragile facade quote

Goodreads Synopsis:

Raven Ferragamo is starting a new life. Taking a year off after high school, she moves to Washington, D.C., leaving her childhood friends, her family, and her problems behind. The clean break with her past starts off better than she dreamed when a hunky neighbor offers to be her D.C. tour guide. For the first time in her short life, Raven really feels as though anything is possible.

Lark Kingsley had the perfect family, the perfect future, the perfect life. Born and raised in affluent New York society, she was bred for success. Until one day things go terribly wrong, and Lark vanishes in to thin air.

Seemingly coming from different worlds, the two have more in common than either could ever dream. When Raven finds Lark’s diary, it becomes clear that the girl knew that something horrible was going to happen to her. And that she wants someone to follow the clues to her disappearance.

What happened to Lark, and why is she desperately pleading with Raven to find out?

My Review: 

5/5 stars

Thank you to both Sophie Davis and Barbara for sending me a copy of Fragile Facade after winning it in Sophie’s book giveaway.

Here goes!!

I absolutely, without a doubt, LOVED this book!!! On some level, I liked it a little more than the Talented books (shh, don’t tell Talia or Eric). Of course you can’t really compare the two series, because Talented is a paranormal (right?) Dystopian Romance, and The Blind Barriers series is a mystery/thriller/romance. I am glad that this series took different direction from Talented, it really shows the ability and talent that the author has. Sometimes it’s tough to stray from what you know works and what you know is good, but if you never take the chance you won’t know what you’re capable of…..ok now I’m done rambling. As soon as I began this book, I was sucked in. You are introduced to someone named Lark Kingsley, who is pleading for someone, specifically a “her” to find her. You also meet Raven Ferragamo, who upon moving on her own to D.C., stumbles on all these clues that pertain to Lark’s disappearance. I haven’t read many mystery novels, but this book is what I would consider a great mystery novel. What is unique about this book is that each chapter switches back and forth between Lark and Raven. When you read Raven’s point of view, you get a chance to see all the clues that Lark has left for Raven in order to help find her. Then, the chapters about Lark, are about her life before her disappearance. BUT, it doesn’t end there. There are certain chapters, like the first, that are different from Lark’s “before” chapters. I think those chapters are about the current Lark.

I loved how those chapters were more disjointed and I couldn’t tell if Lark was going insane or not. I also loved that you weren’t given any indication about where she was, but knew that she was somewhere. The transitions were very smooth and I was able to remember the events from each person, even though the chapters flip flopped between the two girls. I really liked the different worlds that were thrown together, i.e., Lark’s world of being an upper east side heiress and Raven’s world of being on her own. You definitely gain an understanding thru these two characters that having a lot of money and power isn’t what it’s cracked up to be (you’ll figure that out when you read about Lark’s life).

Now the boy’s. Sophie again works her magic with her male characters. You meet Blake Greyfield, who is a part of Lark Kingsley’s life and Asher (no last name?), who is a part of Raven Ferragamo’s life. The parts when Lark and Blake are together are absolutely beautiful. I really don’t want to reveal too much about it, but just think of those moments when you see that one person and they give you butterflies, THAT’S what it’s like when you read about Blake and Lark. Unfortunately, you don’t get too much of that with Asher and Raven.. insert sad face here. You at least get that there is chemistry between the two of them (crossing my fingers that something actually happens between them in the next book). There were so many moments that took my breath away (haha a cliche!), twists and turns that every mystery novel should have, and moments of what the….. oh and that ending!!! That was very cruel Sophie…soo very cruel. If you’d like to know what exactly I’m referring to, I’m not saying a word, except to of course say that I highly recommend this book if you’re a fan of Sophie Davis books, but also if you like mystery/thriller/romance novels, then get this book!!!!

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